
Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Chalkboard from an Up-Cycled Mirror

I had family come over yesterday for a barbeque, so I have been cleaning my house trying to make it look halfway decent. With a very active toddler, there is only so much I can do during the week. I managed to take some bags and boxes to Goodwill to donate, but before I did, I rummaged through them one last time, just to make sure that the kids had only thrown donate-able items and not broken toys or clothes with holes in them.
I'm glad I did too, because I found this gem in there! I don't know where this mirror came from, or what its purpose was, but I had previously set it aside "to do something with" years ago, and put it in the Goodwill box when 6 months or so had passed. I'm glad I discovered it again, because this time I had a purpose for it!
I made this cute little chalkboard, perfect for dressing up the mantle or entryway!
Here was my inspiration:
$2 Trash to Treasure Chalkboard by Making Home Base

White acrylic paint or primer
Chalkboard paint-See Note 
Mod Podge
1 square of scrapbook paper (I went to Michael's and got 1 for $0.59)
Painter's tape
Not pictured:
Rubber scraper for smoothing out air bubbles in the paper
X-acto knife for trimming the paper
Sandpaper for smoothing the edges of the paper after trimming
Note: I recommend finding chalkboard paint specifically for use on glass or glazed ceramic. I used the Martha Stewart chalkboard paint, and it was difficult to use on glass. Live and learn, I will use it for other chalkboard applications in the future.
1. Prime the frame using primer or white acrylic paint. I covered the mirror with painter's tape first.
2. Add the chalkboard paint. Follow the directions on the bottle. Most will need to let cure for at least 24 hours after it is dry before using chalk on them.
3. Time to Mod Podge. I applied Glossy Mod Podge to the back of the scrapbook paper, then smoothed out any bubbles with a rubber scraper (found at your restaurant supply store for $0.79).
4. I used the X-acto knife to cut out the mirror/chalkboard and to trim around the edges. This way I didn't have to be as accurate when applying the scrapbook paper.
5. Apply two coats of Mod Podge to the top to seal everything. Once dry, lightly sand the edges.
6. Your new chalkboard is now ready to be part of your Spring or Easter décor!
This was my first attempt using chalkboard paint, I definitely learned some things! I will be decorating my mantle for Easter in the upcoming weeks and I plan to feature this. As you can see, I am not the best artist, so my stick figure people and fried-egg flowers will just have to do!
I remembered I don't like writing in chalk (memories of grade school writing on the blackboard). I have ordered a chalk pen that I hope will make writing easier.


  1. Cute project. Pinned & visiting from Bloggers Brags Pin Party.

  2. Such a cute idea!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  3. Ohmygoodness - I HAVE THAT MIRROR and I HAVE THAT SCRAPBOOK PAPER. I bought the mirror yearrrrrrs ago at Ikea and I've had the paper for a few months, too - and I love to Mod Podge, so basically I should make this.

    Pinning! Thanks for linking up to Wordy Wednesday!

    1. Ah-ha! So that's where it came from! My husband had it from before we were together, and it was hiding in a box in the garage when we found it.

  4. I love Mod Podge. Great job with your quick crafting. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday Link Party.


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